Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kindness in New York

Lately, I have been trying to get used to New Yorkers. Most New Yorkers talk fast, don't show emotions, and are seen as bitter and unhelpful. In the South, it is a bit different to say the least. It's hard to get used to, but today I witnessed several instinances on the subway going into work that I must share.

When I entered the F train this morning it was like any other day. I thought about putting my headphones on or reading a book during the commute, but for some reason I didn't. The train was not crowded at that time, so I chose to stand. I should have taken the seat. The train soon became so crowded that I felt like a sardine. It was then, that an older man offered the seat that he was about to take to me. He said, " Excuse me miss, but would you like this seat?" I almost started crying. My heart felt overwhelemed with joy by this simple action. However, I kindly declinded the seat because he was older and frail, but I smiled at him and said "Thank you" and he smiled back. A smile! It's amazing how a smile can brighten your day.

At the next stop, an older man entered the train. He had a boom box around his neck along with a trumpet. As soon as the doors closed, he started to roar on his trumpet for money. This is not the thing people want to hear at 9:30 in the morning. He was a very cute older man though. He reminded me of my grandpa. He hung his hat with strigs around the horn and walked up and down the train for money. I felt bad for him because I assumed no one would give him money. The next moment, a kind lady smiled at him put money in his hat. That smile made me smile again.

Two stops later, a pregant woman gets on the train. It is crowded and hot. A young man soon gets up from his seat and offers it to her. She smiles at him and he returns the smile. It's acts like these that make me realize that New York can be nice. Yes, many folks on the subway do not want to be bothered. They are tired, hot, and just want to be left in peace, but it are moments like this that remind me New Yorkers do care about each other. Although it is hard to see, there is a sense of community here.

Lately, We have been very busy with internships and classes. However, tonight I am going to cook dinner with my friend Mike who is from Long Island. Mike is an awesome cook (so i've heard) and works at a famous restaurant in Long Isanld. We are going to make a classic red sauce with meatballs,and pasta! Hopefully it will be good!

1 comment:

  1. That's great! I'm glad you got to see a different side of the New Yorkers! Hope dinner was good!
