Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Time in Fayetteville/Yankee's Game

So sorry I have been M.I.A for about a week and a half! I went home last Tuesday to be with friends and family when I heard about the death of my friend Kristen Graham. It was really good to be home. I think everyone who lives in NYC would agree that it is nice to get away from the city once in awhile. While I was home, I was asked my the Graham family to speak at Kristen's funeral service. I cannot tell you how much an honor this was! I was so worried about not knowing what to say as well as keeping it together on stage, but in the end everything worked out perfectly. The service was perfect and very Kristen. We honored and remembered the life of a person who brought so much light into the world.

While I was home I also had the opportunity to visit and re-unite with a group of friends that I had not talked to in what seems likes ages. It was so great to be able to pick back where we had left off and to be with them knowing that they were going through the same grieving process as I was. We were able to spend a night out together and brought up old times and good memories of Kristen. It was such a blessing. It made me realize that we really do only have a short time on this earth and that we should take advantage of every day. Such an easy thing to say, but a hard thing to do! I must say that it was hard leaving Fayetteville to go back to NYC ( i know crazy right? But true!) , but when I came back to NYC I was welcomed with open arms by my friends here. They said it felt like I was gone for SO long! ha.

My friend Barbara told me about a " Light the Night" walk they are doing here in NYC. " Light the Night" is a program that is geared to fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. On Oct. 14th, I will be participating in the walk that is going to be on the Brooklyn Bridge. Each walker will carry a different color balloon that will symbolize if the person they are walking for is currently going through treatment, passed away from the disease, or is in full remission. It is going to be a truly amazing experience. If you would like to help me reach my fundraising goal, click on this link Light The Night-Jordan Ureckis Fundraising and you can click on " Make a Donation".

On Monday, we were able to get tickets to a Yankee's baseball game! The Yankee's are number one right now, so it was awesome that we were able to get tickets! We sat in the bleachers, and had great seats! It was such a fun experience and a great stadium to watch a baseball game. Even though I'm not a big Yankee's fan, I had to experience the stadium as well as buy a cheap $5 hat from the street vendor!  I will post some pictures from the game once I get home and have my camera with me!

Here is my speech for Kristen's Service for those of you who were not able to attend:

Today I'd like to share with you a few things about my friend Kristen. When I first met her in 8th grade, i knew she was going to be a handful;full of energy, laughter, and spunk. She was also one of the most talkative girls I had ever met. I knew from that minute we would get along just fine. We experienced a lot in our several years of friendship from boys, choir, AP block assignments, church, and small group. We experienced mission work in Mexico, school transitions, break up's, but most importantly we experienced fun. Kristen was always so full of life! I remember spending many nights driving around in her white Honda, with the windows down, blasting Aqua's "Barbie Girl" and dancing---and boy did that girl have some dance moves! I also remember laughing with her till we were both rolling on the floor crying. Kristen had such a zest for life even during these last couple of years. I remember having multiple conversations with her asking how she was doing and she always replied, " GREAT!" It's just cancer! no Big! When she experience hair loss, she made the most of it with fun wigs of all styles. I sent her a bright pink one once, don't know if she ever wore it, but I'd like to think she modelled it in the hospital. She cared deeply about her friends and family and would spend intentional time listening to problems and giving advice.She was always there for people when they needed a hug, a shoulder to cry on, or just a smile and a " cheer up baby doll". She passed no judgement and loved all people. It's these traits and memories that I 'll remember most about Krissy and the time we spent together. We will miss her greatly, but rest assure because I'm sure she is already causing trouble up there in heaven and is enjoying being the life of the party and center of attention. Kristen, everyone who was touched by you was lucky, but now you 're the lucky one because you are with the almighty father. Kristen we love you and miss you and can't wait to see you one day.

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